Litecoins Hashrate når All-Time High, Sværhedsgrad følger trop

The blockchain network Litecoins computational power reached an all-time high (ATH) Floridas guvernør Ron DeSantis siger, at staten 'finder ud af måder' til at tillade virksomheder at betale skat i Bitcoin, Jan. 25, 2023, i blokhøjde 2,411,048, reaching 798.43 terahash i sekundet (TH/s). Ud over, Litecoins difficulty also reached an all-time high this week, hitting 23,505,031 the following

Litecoin skal gennemgå blokbelønningshalvering på lidt over 200 Dage, Først blandt store PoW-kryptovalutaer

In roughly 202 dage, the cryptocurrency network Litecoin (LTC) will experience a block reward halving on or around Aug. 3, 2023. Litecoin will be the first major proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain to see a reward reduction before Bitcoins upcoming halving, som er…

Top 10 PoW-dominans fordamper 9 År senere, Kun to Proof-of-Work-mønter vil være tilbage efter sammenlægningen

Kryptofællesskabet venter tålmodigt på den længe ventede Ethereum-netværksopgradering fra proof-of-work (PoW) til bevis for indsats (Kosmos) som The Merge forventes at ske 27 dage fra nu. Efter Ethereum-overgange fra PoW til PoS, only two crypto assets

Financial Services Company SBI Group lancerer Diversified Crypto Fund i Japan

SBI Group, the financial services company group based in Tokyo, Japan, has announced the launch of a crypto asset fund that consists of seven different digital currencies. The crypto fund launched by the Japanese company includes bitcoin, ethereum, xrp, litecoin, bitcoin…

Walmart og Litecoin Betalingsnyheder afkræftet af Walmart Talsperson, LTC-priser ryster fra falske nyheder

På mandag, september 13, a press release was published by and said it was connected toWalmart Inc,” the American multinational retail corporation. Several mainstream media outlets published stories about it including Reuters, Bloomberg, and CNBC. Not too long after